NET Core Interview Questions: Essential Tips for Success
Optimizing performance in. There are a number of strategies that deal with.

NET Core Interview Questions: Essential Tips for Success

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. We have seen plenty of NET Core become probably the top 3 frameworks for modern cross-platform application development. Whether you are a seasoned. For a dot NET developer or a person attending for an interview, it is very important to know the important dot NET technical concepts and technical details. i.e. This article focuses on various.

Here is a list of NET core interview questions that allows candidates to exhibit their know-how and proficiency through interviews. From how to get started to setting up your. NET Core basics to more advanced learning about performance optimisation, security and so on. Crafting this guide to be a holistic resource for both interviewees and interviewers alike will help to ensure that both sides come prepared for meaningful discussions around. NET Core development.


With more and more business and developers adopting. With the popularity of.NET Core, job interviews also started featuring this framework more often as part of the discussions..NET Core is a free, open-source framework developed by Microsoft that allows developers to create applications that run on different operating systems including Windows, macOS, and Linux. No wonder, with its speed, scalability and cross-platform capabilities, are popular choice for so many companies.

NET Core for software development needs. If you are preparing for a. NET Core must have knowledge starting from basics to advance to appear for the interview. In this article we explore the most frequent and important. The article will cover top NET Core interview questions that will help you plenty to break the NET core interview.

Introduction to. NET Core Interview Questions

. The NET Interview question goes through each topic ranging from Framework basic question to Advanced technical concept. Therefore, interview preparations like. NET Core, and real-world use of the framework. The sections that follow describe the most common. NET Core interview questionsClassification (Basic Concepts, Performance optimization, Security, Testing)

What is. NET Core, and What Makes It Different from. NET Framework?

. NET Core: An open-source, cross-platform framework which enables developers to seamlessly build applications for Windows, macOS, and Linux. That is one of the major differences between. NET Core and the. One of the facts of.NET Framework is that. Microsoft DOT NET Core is a Platform independent framework that allows building applications to run in multiple operating systems. In contrast, the. NET Framework Very Windows-centric.

. NET Core is modular, so that developers can add only the libraries and components needed for a specific project. This not only minimizes the size of applications but also enhances performance..NET Core supports containerization and microservices architectures, making it a good fit for modern, cloud-native applications.

Why is. Why is NET Core So Popular in Modern Software Development?

. There are many reasons for the popularity of.NET Core. Its cross-platform support enables developers to create applications with the ability to be executed on various operating systems. Additionally,. NET Framework (keep in mind that NET frame work is all in-process, the whole CLR gets loaded along with app) NET Core is quite high-performance, indeed. NET Framework.

The fact that it is highly scalable makes it suitable for small projects as well as enterprise applications. Having its active open-source community keeps improving the framework for contemporary development requirements. Additionally, the framework’s compatibility with Docker and Kubernetes makes it even more attractive for developing containerized and cloud-native apps.

Basic. NET Core Interview Questions

This section then addresses. 2 NET Core concepts for checking up candidates on NET Core framework.

Cut to the chase: What is Dependency Injection? NET Core?

Dependency Injection (DI) Fundamentals in. NET Core that encourages the loose coupling of classes. DI is basically where a class does not create objects it will use but rather gets those objects passed to it. What this means is that classes are easier to test, maintain and adapt to changes later..NET Core has DI built-in, meaning that classes can easily be configured from the startup class and IoC (Inversion of Control) mode.

Middleware in. — Definition and Working NET Core?

Middleware in. That is, in the context of the request pipeline,NET Core components that interact with HTTP requests and responses. Middleware can do different things like authentication, logging, error handling, or modifying the request and response objects.

It’s important to note that these components are executed in the order they are registered, and developers can register middleware to add specific behaviors. It’s important to follow the specific order in which middleware is processed because it matters.

What Is the Purpose of the Startup Class in a. NET Core Application?

The Startup class in a. The main() method of the NET Core application is the building block for the application’s configuration. It describes application-required services and the request-processing pipeline (middleware). Two important methods belong to the Startup class: ConfigureServices() and Configure(). In ConfigureServices() you register service to the DI container and the logic in Configure() is where you build the HTTP request pipeline and add middlewares.

Advanced. NET Core Interview Questions

Pitch Decks: As candidates move through their. The interview for senior & above NET Core careers are mostly technical and require you to solve programming problems. This is where we address questions related to optimization, security and scaling.

How do you ensure the performance of a . NET Core Application?

Performance tuning is key for making. NET Core applications that can handle heavy workloads and scale accordingly. There are several strategies that can be used including:

Asynchronous programming: async vs await

  • Understanding Caching: A strategy to minimize database calls and optimize response time through the caching of frequently accessed data
  • Memory Management: Object lifetimes and memory leaks.
  • Connection Pooling: Gain the advantage of the previously established database connections without incurring the overhead of establishing new connections.

Some Safety Vulnerabilities in . NET Core?

But security is even more important for. NET Core applications. Some of the common vulnerabilities are:

Preventing SQL Injection through Parameterized Queries and ORM Frameworks ( Entity Framework.Formatting code in SQL queries is done to gain access to databases and pink future use.Few developers use this method to write any styling or any validation as parameterized queries are permanent so the developers could Not check for validations past the SQL formatting each line passes)

  • Cross Site Scripting (XSS): Minimized by User input is sanitized and output encoding is used.
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF): Protected with anti-forgery tokens.
  • Weak Authentication: Secure Authentication Mechanisms like OAuth and OpenID Connect

How to Implement Authentication and Authorization in . NET Core?

Authentication in. ASP is the most usual option to realize that feature on the.NET Core. NET Core Identity or external providers such as Google or Facebook. Authorization is the supply of access to users for specific resources based on roles or claims. ASP. Authorization is one of the cross-cutting concerns that.NET Core supports out of the box.

How to Log in NET Core?

Logging is an essential aspect of monitoring and debugging applications, and.NET Core comes with built-in support for logging, which is set up in the Startup class. Some examples of log levels are Information, Warning, Error, and Critical. For advanced logging such as logging to files or external services, developers can use third-party logging providers such as Serilog, NLog or log4net.

Different Types of Hosting in. NET Core?

. There are several hosting models available in NET Core application.

  • In-process Hosting: The application executes inside the IIS worker process. This is a lightweight model with less configuration needed.
  • Out-of-process Hosting: The app is hosted in its own process, usually using Kestrel as a web server to reverse proxy through IIS or Nginx.
  • Self-hosting: Runs the application in a console/Windows service, perfect for microservices or background jobs.

Debugging and Testing in.NET Core

Testing is an important part of the development process and. There are numerous tools and libraries in NET core, which can be used to validate the functions of the applications.

How to Do Unit Testing In. NET Core?

Unit testing in. For .NET Core, the common choice is to utilize a testing framework such as xUnit, NUnit, or MSTest. They allow developers to write unit tests that check that a single unit of functionality works correctly on its own. Unit tests can be isolated from external resources using a mocking framework like Moq to mock dependencies.

So, How Do You conduct Integration testing in. NET Core?

Integration Testing ensures that the various components of the application work together correctly. Integration testing can be done by using the built-in tools like TestServer and WebApplicationFactory in.NET Core, which helps you test the HTTP request-response cycle in a real-world production-like environment. Integration tests may set to run against a test database, or in any other type of relative environment.

How Do You Debug a. NET Core Application?

NET Core also comes with various debugging tools such as:

  • Visual Studio Debugger: You have breakpoints, watches, and step-through debugging for. NET Core applications.
  • A command-line tool for launching and debugging runtimes.
  • Logging: This allows developers to follow the flow of an application and identify any errors.

Using VS Code as a Lightweight debugger for debugging. NET Core apps (for developers, particularly those using macOS or Linux).

Best Practices for. NET Core Development

To succeed as a. If you are a .NET Core developer, following best practices is essential. These practices allow developers to build code which is clean, efficient and can be maintained.

Adhere to SOLID. NET Core

So, this is a set of design principles that was created to help make the code more maintainable and of good quality. The principles include:

  • Single Responsibility Principle (SRP): A class should have one reason to change.
  • O — Open/Closed Principle (OCP)Software entities (classes, modules, functions, etc.) should be open for extension, but closed for modification.
  • Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP): Subclass objects must be able to replace superclass objects.
  • Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) — No Client Should Be Forced To Depend On Interfaces It Does Not Use.
  • DIP (Dependency Inversion Principle): High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.

Keep Code Documentation Proper

Documentation is a prerequisite for code maintenance in the long run. Write Meaningful CommentsExpert developers use meaningful comments. Here you have it: Thus far, we can discuss API documentation of C#, the XML documentation comments that C# uses to generate XML to be able to create API documentation that each large project can run.

Be ready for Exceptions

Effective exception handling is essential in making applications robust and user-friendly. Exceptions should be handled at the relevant layers in the application and humans should see friendly error messages rather than internal details. Developers must not leak sensitive information about the app or its platform..NET Core has implemented global exception handling for the application through middleware which makes it simpler to log and catch errors.


Preparing for a. To get through a NET Core interview, one should know both the basics and advanced concepts associated with the framework. Arming yourself with knowledge on such topics as Dependency Injection (DI), performance optimization, security best practices, best testing practices, and Debugging will help candidates nail down the questions during interviews.

Its versatility, efficiency, and cross-platform capabilities make.NET Core critical for current software development. Developers with expertise in these fields have the potential to thrive in . NET Core will give you the confidence to excel in job interviews and make a meaningful impact in their teams.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

What are some important features of. NET Core?

. NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform framework created by Microsoft. It enables developers to build apps that run on Windows, macOS, and Linux. This allows developers to include only those libraries that are needed in a guest application, leading to improved performance and scalability for modern web and cloud-based applications. It provides support for microservices architecture, containers, and has a great community support that makes it a first choice for modern application development.

How does Dependency Injection work in. NET Core?

DI Dependency Injection in  In keeping with the design principles of the.NET Core framework, NET Core is a design pattern that helps promote loose coupling between components. It enables classes to have their dependencies injected from outside instead of having to create it themselves from within the class. The.NET Core framework has built-in support for DI with the help of Inversion of Control (IoC) container. Developers specify dependencies in the Startup class, enabling easy unit testing and maintaining the code. It also encourages cleaner, more modular application design.

What is Middleware in.Net? NET Core?

Middleware in. NET Core, essentially it is a component which forms a part of the HTTP request pipeline that manages HTTP requests and responses. It is capable of handling functions such as authentication, logging, error handling, or modifying request and response object. These middleware components run in a certain sequence, which enables developers to compose them for required functionalities. With custom middleware, developers can create applications that are flexible and scalable, fitting their requirements perfectly.

What Can You Do to Increase the Performance in. NET Core Applications?

Optimizing performance in. There are a number of strategies that deal with. Generally; using async and await for I/O-bound tasks can significantly assist in achieving such since it will leave one thread to work with such tasks. To improve response times, it only retrieves the required cache data instead of running a database call for it. Having proper memory management, including at object life cycles, is paramount, to avoid memory leaks. And using connection pooling for databases reduces the overhead of establishing connections, allowing for high-performance applications even in heavy loads.

What Are The Common Security Risks In NET Core?

There are a number of security vulnerabilities with NET Core applications, e.g., SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), etc. To prevent SQL Injection, always use parameterized queries or an ORM like Entity Framework. Output encoding and escaping user input can prevent XSS. CSRF protection is done by using anti-forgery tokens to validate user requests. They also help “secure” applications from unauthorized access through proper authentication and authorization mechanisms.

How Do You Implement Testing in. NET Core?

Testing in. There are several types of tests in.NET Core, including unit test, integration test, functional test, etc. To verify the individual components work right for unit testing, developers have xUnit, NUnit, MSTest solution frameworks. Moq is widely used when it comes to mocking but dependencies. Integration testing checks that various parts of the application work together, typically employing TestServer and WebApplicationFactory. Additionally,.NET Core enables end-to-end testing to confirm the complete behavior of the application in a production-representative ecosystem.

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